Club 2m Repeater  - 146.940 PL Tone 107.2

Dave Ivey, KE4EA and IW4EEY would like to announce two new Amateur Radio
Licensing Classes beginning in January 2023. The classes are based on
the ARRL License Manuals and are taught online using the Zoom meeting

The Amateur Extra Class will start on Tuesday, January 10th. Class meets
each week from 6:30 to 8:30PM Eastern Time Tuesday nights and will run
for 17 weeks (ending May 2nd). The class is free! The class will be
streamed and recorded to YouTube so that you can view or review each
class at your convenience.

The Technician Class will start on Wednesday, January 11th. Class meets
each week from 6:30 to 8:30PM Eastern Time Wednesday nights and will run
for ten weeks (ending March 8th). This class too is free and will be
streamed and recorded on YouTube as well.r paragraph here.

Extra Class Manual Link

Technicial Class Manual Link

Previous Classes

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interested in becoming a licensed radio amateur?