Club 2m Repeater  - 146.940 PL Tone 107.2

ARRL Field DAY 2024

June 22-23, 2024

YMCA Travelers Rest (George Theisen Family Branch)

100 Inspiration Way 

Travelers Rest, SC 29690

Every year, radio amateurs in the US get the gear out of doors on Field Day.  The goal is to set up radio gear and antennas in not so ideal situations.  It is meant to demonstrate what is possible in case of an emergency.  Although, it is not a contest, it is treated by many as one.  This year - 2024, we will operate as a 2A Class Station again running two transmitters.  We will also have a "Get On The Air" or  GOTA.  We will still had a separate VHF Station.    Dave KE4EA,  is the 2024 Field Day Coordinator.   We will again see how we stack up against the rest of the country during this (2024) Field Day.  Thanks to all who will support the Field Day effort - operators, set-up guys, and to Dave K4SV for supplying the Force12; Ariel NY4G for supplying the end fed half wave antennas, hexbeam, and batteries for the station;  Randy W8FN for supplying the K3 for the CW station and Dave NY6MM for supplying the TS590 for the SSB station and the Satellite Station Set-Up.