Club 2m Repeater  - 146.940 PL Tone 107.2

Field Day 2023 is the last full weekend in June.  Field Day starts at 1400 Local EDT on Saturday (1800 UTC) and runs for 24 hours until Sunday the following day.  The Field Day Chair is Dan Galt KJ4TID.

Category 2A

CW Station - Elecraft K3

SSB Station - Kenwood TS590

GOTA Station - Elecraft KX3/KPA100

Bonus VHF Station


Force12 Tri Band Yagi@ 55' trailer mounted - Armstrong rotator (SSB)

3 Band Hex-Beam Tri-Band 20-15-10 (CW) - Armstrong rotator (CW)

EFHW Wires for CW and SSB 80m and 40m

VHF Station running all modes including digital (6m, 2m, 70 cm)

Self Sign Up Instructions

Click on the links to the right.  Sign in with your call sign as your username and the initial password is also your call sign.  Make sure to use only lower case letters.

Next, make sure you click on the date or time field.  Do NOT click on "add new" before clicking the desired time field.  If you do, it will create a time slot that is TODAY's date.

Once a time slot has been taken it will be locked.  So take only the empty time slot.  Then start typing your name and the database will populate the pull down with available names that match.  Click on your name and click save changes.  If you want to see what the schedule looks like with your slot added - click  the list ICON next the schedule you are editing (CW, SSB, or VHF) on the top right just above "add new".  If you do not use the self sign up you can ask me to do it using the web form as you have done in the past.   However, the time slot may be taken by someone else who has used the self sign up before I can get to it.   Once it has been taken I cannot schedule you there.  So proceed at your own risk.  If you need help, send me an email

In the contact form above - please put in DESIRED TIME SLOT in MESSAGE BOX.  Please provide a range of times and desired duration so we can insert you into slot(s) in the schedule